Animal Art: Nature's Most Creative      

Puffer fish mandalas: The white-spotted pufferfish is a tiny fish that lives deep along Japan's coast. On the sea floor, it makes intricate and massive symmetrical circular designs in the sand. These elaborate designs are made by males to entice partners.

Bees' flower sandwich This is not your typical sandwich; rather, it is a stunning nest made by the rare bee species Osmia avosetta! One layer of flower petals, one layer of mud, and another layer of petals make up the nest.

Bowerbird nests When it comes to attracting females, the Australian bowerbird is the most creative species. It creates elaborate nests that look like huts and have a full front garden filled with brightly colored stones, plastic, glass, and shells. The probability that the bowerbird will find a partner increases with the nest's decoration.

Decorator crabs Numerous animals employ the technique of camouflaging. However, have you ever heard of "blending in" by dressing up? Decorator crabs are the fashionistas of nature. They decorate themselves with sea sponges, shells, and even tiny plants to blend in with their surroundings. This frequently results in very pretty and trendy looks!

Bagworm cocoons A common insect that constructs cocoons from twigs, leaves, and silk that have been sewn together, bagworms are members of the moth family. However, cocoons of a particular genus, Amicta, are very rational and symmetrical. The house almost looks like it was built by an architect!

Paper wasp nests Paper wasps construct their umbrella-shaped nests by chewing on plants and wood to produce a pulp that resembles paper. However, depending on the kind of plants that are chewed, these nests can sometimes become quite colorful. In fact, a study was done in which colored paper was given to paper wasps so they could build nests, and the results were stunning.

Termite mounds We avoid termites, but their nests are beautiful and worthy of praise. These mud-covered nests, also known as termite mounds, are typically found in the wild in Africa and Australia. They can reach heights of up to 100 feet and 30 meters. An intricately constructed underground city with ventilation shafts and chambers can be found within the mound.

The amazing animals who create these works of art don't know what art is like like we do. However, by not interfering with their natural habitats, we can still appreciate the natural artists and their masterpieces.