Discover the Universe's Best Kept Secrets: 12 Stunning NASA Photos

By Anurag Kataria

Massive Eruption Seen on Sun

This spectacular prominence eruption, about 500,000 miles across and almost halfway across the Sun, was captured by the STEREO spacecraft as it flew by. The Sun's magnetic forces cause plasma loops known as prominences to form on its surface.

The Crab Nebula

The Crab Nebula, a six-light-year-wide expanding remnant of a star's supernova explosion, is depicted here in a mosaic image. In 1844, William Parsons, 3rd Earl of Rosse, used a 36-inch telescope to see the nebula and gave it the name "Crab Nebula" because his drawing looked like a crab.

Planet Earth

The most accurate true-color image of the entire planet can be found in this stunning "blue marble" picture. Scientists and visualizers created a seamless, true-color montage from months of observations of the Earth's surface using a collection of satellite-based monitors.

Typhoon Nabi

On September 3, 2005, a member of the Expedition 11 crew took this picture of Typhoon Nabi swirling in the Pacific Ocean as it moved toward southern Korea and Japan. In Korean, "nabi" means "butterfly."

Manam Volcano, Papua New Guinea

On June 16, 2010, the Manam Volcano in Papua New Guinea let out a faint, thin plume as clouds gathered at the volcano's summit. White clouds partially obscured NASA's satellite view of Manam, and a carpet of green vegetation on the slopes of the volcano was interrupted by rills of brown rocks.

Auroras in Jupiter’s Atmosphere

Jupiter's pole-side auroras are captured by the Hubble Space Telescope. When high-energy particles enter a planet's atmosphere close to its magnetic poles and collide with gas atoms, they produce the vivid glow that is known as an aurora.

View of Jupiter’s Moon Io

The solar system's most active volcanic object is Jupiter's moon Io. After significant shifts in the region surrounding another volcanic center, Pillan Patera, a red ring can be seen here around the volcano Pele.

A Cosmic Tarantula

Webb's Near-Infrared Camera presents the star-forming region of the Tarantula Nebula in a novel light in this image. It shows thousands of young stars that were once covered in cosmic dust. The region with the most activity appears to sparkle with massive, young, pale blue stars.

Two Colliding Galaxies

This image depicts antennae galaxies that are approximately 62 million light-years away from Earth. Wide-angle views of the system reveal long, antenna-like "arms" that gave them their name. Tidal forces caused by the collision created these features.

Earth as a Pale Blue Dot

Before ending its mission and colliding with Saturn, NASA's Cassini spacecraft took this picture as its final one. Earth is the blue dot you can see.

Solar Eclipse Composite Image

The atmosphere of the Sun, the corona as seen by the SOHO satellite, and a ground-based image of the total solar eclipse on August 21, 2017, are all included in this composite image.

Curiosity's Dusty Selfie

Curiosity has been investigating the Gale crater region of Mars since August 2012. On Mt. Sharp in Gale Crater, the rover has climbed more than 2,000 feet, reaching progressively younger rocks that show how Mars changed from a wet, habitable planet to a cold desert.